She opens up what seemed to be the third bottle of wine and refill her half empty glass. - "Half empty..." - she says, talking about her life this time.
She rather see her life half empty instead of half full. All the dreams she achieved on the last couple of years, all great places and people she met, everything was gone tonight. - "What's the point?" - she thought and drank.
By her on the sofa, some pills made her laugh. Pills that once were used to keep her awake to finish the work during college (which, by the way, helped her to get where she was now), were going to be used for... This.
She grabbed the glass of wine, four or five pills, and swallowed everything with just one sip.
Her head was resting comfortably on the sofa as she waited looking at the tv. The image started to vanish before her and she smiled. She would finally be free.
The Loneliness left her mind, it knew it was over with her... At least until the next day, when the sleeping pills would not work anymore, and she would find herself alone on Christmas morning.