And through this two years I was in USA I meet a lot of people. Some bad ones, who I wish I could forget (and eventually, I will) and some very good, who will be in my heart forever.
One person is very speacial to me, not because of how nice she was with me and of how much fun we had while I was there, she's speacial because of the way she lives and the good she does... To THE WORLD (and I'm not over speaking).
Her name is Kristin Cushen and she was my coordinator on the program for a very short time (which doesn't change the love and respect I've grown for her).
She's a mother of 8 (now), and is the best person I've ever meet in my life. *Seriously, not over speaking*
She has this 6 amazing kids, whom I had the pleasure to live with during almost 3 weeks. They are polite, kind, care about each other and love each other in a way that I can't remember seeing.
One of them, Marin, is a little girl who was brought from Ethiopia three years ago (if I'm not mistaken) to become part of this loving Irish family.
With that, the family became and Irishopian family, and that's what makes them special.
Now, this family's grown even more, because they decided to bring home two more sibillings to their kids. I won't have the honor to meet them just yet, but I'm sure they are great little people, because God chose them to be part of the Cushens, and you gotta be kinda speacial for that.
Kristin does volunteer work to help raise money to give kids in Ethiopia, food, clothes, education... HOPE. And she writes a blog about the experiences she has while making the diference in these little one's lives.
After spending the afternoon minding my own business and trying to raise some Reais (brazilian money) to send to US, so that she and her husband, David, can help 20 orphans to have a roof over their heads every night, I went to Irishopian and read the last updates that she posted there.
Every new entry, every world I read made me fell blessed for knowing someone like her. Telling stories about her amazes me, bacause I see how people's eyes glow when they hear how can ONE person (family) change so much.
I wish I can become half of the great person she is, half of the great Mother she is and teach my kids half of the things she did to hers, to make them such good human beings!
I want to Thank her for doing what she does, and I say that as a citizen of the world more than as a friend who misses being close to such kindness and love.
Kristin, I Aplaude You!

[Click HERE to donate to Hope's Chest, Hearts 4 Hope and help. Go to the Irishopian blog and read more stories about this amazing family. This might touch you and hopefully soon we will have enough people to help all this kids in need.]
[Clique AQUI para doar para a Hope's Chest, Hearts 4 Hope e ajude. Visite o blog Irishopian para ler mais sobre essa maravilhosa familia. Quem sabe isso não te motiva e em breve teremos pessoas o suficiente para ajudar a todas essas crianças que tanto precisam.]