- Get thin.
- Have (for at least once a week) the perfect hair.
- Be a better friend.
- Be a better Daughter.
- Be a better granddaughter.
- Be a better niece.
- Open up.
- Get lost.
- Don't hide from myself.
- Feel beautiful more often.
- Don't push things.
- Don't wait 'till the last minute.
- Sleep less. Enjoy more.
- Stop bitching.
- Get healthier.
- Read (AND FINISH) a book a month.
- Buy something for myself every other month.
- Feel happy.
- Learn something new.
- Fall in love.
- Love more.
- Walk my dogs.
- Go to the park with the kids and be silly with them.
- See everyone I love at least once a week.
- Study more.
- Be more perfectionist.
- Lose 40 pounds during the year.
- Go out to dance more often.
- See people I don't see for a long time.
- Go to the beach.
- Write more.
- Buy something really expensive, just 'cuz I can, sice I saved money for so long.
- Cook more.
And a million of other things...