I visited one of the blogs I like the most two days ago, the Algumas Obeseracoes, and the newest entry in there talks about something I'm really into: The Earth Hour.
So, I asked my friend Fernanda to let me spread the word around here as well, using her post as the inspiration, so here it is:
"Em março de 2010, o Brasil participa oficialmente da Hora do Planeta. No sábado, 27 de março, entre 20h30 e 21h30, diversos ícones do País serão apagados por uma hora para mostrar a nossa preocupação com o aquecimento global.
No Brasil, o apagar das luzes representa um sinal claro aos governos de que a população quer o fim dos desmatamentos, responsável por mais de 70% das emissões de gases do país. Também significa que o Brasil está alinhado com o resto dos países participantes, que também clamam pelo controle das emissões de forma a manter o aquecimento global em torno dos 2°C, como preconizado pela comunidade científica."
"On March 2010, Brazil officially joins the Earth Hour.
On Saturday, March 27th, between 8:30pm an 9:30pm, the most famous points on the country will have their lights turned off to demonstrate our worry about the global warming.
In Brazil, this shows to the government that the population wants to put an end to the deforestation, responsible for over than 70% of the gas transmission to the atmosphere in the country.
It also means that Brazil is with the others countries involved on the cause, crying out for the control of the gas transmission so that the global warming can be hold around 2°C, recommended by the scientific community."
If you are in Brazil or whatever other place in the world, join us on the Earth Hour and turn off your house, enjoy a romantic dinner with candles or put the fireplace in action. It's just for one hour but it can make a hell of difference.
1 comentários:
ok I wll join!
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